
Next.js Installation: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started

Hi, in this article you will learn how to install the next.js react framework in a step-by-step manner. In the evolving landscape of web development, staying ahead of the software curve is essential. No matter what, whether you are a seasoned or aspiring coder, Next.js is the name that you should become intimately familiar with.

As a software engineer and a programming blogger, I have had the privilege of witnessing the Nextjs rise in the software industry. In this article, I want to take you on a journey through the remarkable framework which we lean into its core concepts, advantages, its disadvantages and mostly explore why it is a game changer in the software industry and even get our hands dirty with the installation and initial setup of Next js framework.

1. What is Next.js?

Nextjs is a popular framework for building full-stack web applications, particularly React-based applications which was developed and maintained by Vercel. Next.js simplifies the process of building modern, server-rendered react applications or statically-generated applications which include some key concepts like server-side rendering (SSR),static site generation(SSG),Routing, Inbuilt styling, SEO, Optimization, etc... and mostly supports Typescript.

Okay, now let's get our hands dirty with the installation of Next.js.

2. Install Next.js

To install Next.js, you need to have Node.js installed on your local machine. Make sure that you have the latest LTS version of node.js. To check the version of node.js just type node -v in your terminal and compare the version with the LTS version listed on the Node.js official website.

After installing node.js, you will have the npm command available in the command line, where we use npm to install all the required libraries.

Before getting, there are two ways in which we can install Next.js, one is theautomatic Installation and the other is manual Installation. Both work in the same way. The automatic installation will complete all the setup by one single command whereas less manual installation will complete by two to three commands. It's up to you which installation method you choose, either way in this article I will explain both ways of installation methods.

Let's dig into Automatic Installation of Next.js

2.1. Automatic Installation of Next.js

Just to start a new Next.js app use the command create-next-app, which sets all the required libraries automatically for you. Just run the below command

npx create-next-app@latest

If you face any error with the npx command, then try to install npx in your local machine by command npm install -g npx which helps to install npx globally, and rerun the above command to restart installation.

During the installation process, you will see the following prompts in the command line

  What is your project named? my-app
  Would you like to use TypeScript? No / Yes
  Would you like to use ESLint? No / Yes
  Would you like to use Tailwind CSS? No / Yes
  Would you like to use src/ directory? No / Yes
  Would you like to use App Router? (recommended) No / Yes
  Would you like to customize the default import alias (@/*)? No / Yes
  What import alias would you like configured? @/*

2.1.1. Manual Installation of Next.js

To manually install the Next.js application, just install the required packages by below command

npm install next@latest react@latest react-dom@latest

This will create a folder, then open the package.json file copy and paste the following scripts

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "next dev",
    "build": "next build",
    "start": "next start",
    "lint": "next lint"

2.1.2. Create app directory

In this whole Next.js application, there were two App Router and Pages Router available to organize the application folder structure and navigate between the pages. It is recommended to use App Router if you are working on a new Next.js application.

Create an app/ folder, then add a layout.tsx and page.tsx file. These will be rendered when the user visits the root of your application (/) as a landing page.

Create a root layout inside app/layout.tsx with the required html and body tags as shown below

export default function RootLayout({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode
}) {
  return (
    <html lang="en">

Then create a home page app/page.tsx with some content in it. Here the naming conventions are much more important.

export default function Page() {
  return <h1>Hello, Next.js!</h1>

All the above steps would be an example of an App Router.To learn more and play around with App Router in here(using the App Router).

As, of now we have successfully completed all the required steps. Now, let's run the development server

2.2. Run the development server of Next.js:

Run npm run dev to start the development server, then visit http://localhost:3000 to view the Next.js application in the browser. Feel free to edit app/layout.tsx or pages/index.tsx file to see the updated changes in your browser.

3. Frequently asked questions

3.1. What is Next.js?

Next.js is a powerful open-source React framework designed to streamline web application development. It combines the benefits of server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG), improving performance and SEO. Developers appreciate its intuitive file-based routing, automatic code splitting, built-in API route creation, simplifying project structure, built-in Styling, etc... This framework is recognized for its developer friendliness and capability to build high-performing web experiences.

3.2. What is eslint in Next.js?

ESLint can help Next.js developers maintain consistent code formatting, attach to coding standards, and catch common programming mistakes. It can be configured with specific rules and configurations, which can be tailored to meet the coding standards and best practices of a particular project or organization. By integrating ESLintinto a Next.js project, developers can ensure that their codebase remains clean, readable, and free from common coding errors. This can enhance code quality, collaboration among team members, and overall project maintainability.

3.3. Why use Next.js?

Next.js is a popular choice for web development for several reasons which include improved performance, developer productivity, SEO-friendly, Automatic code splitting, Rich Ecosystem, CSS Handling, API Routes, and Security.

3.4. Is Next.js frontend or backend?

Next.js is primarily a frontend framework, but it has features that blur the lines between frontend and backend development. It's often used to build the front end of web applications.

However, Next.js also supports server-side rendering (SSR) and serverless functions through its API routes, which can be used for backend-related tasks. These features allow developers to build parts of the backend logic within the Next.js application. It's especially useful for handling server-side rendering, routing, and APIs, effectively making Next.js a full-stack solution for many web applications.

In summary, Next.js is a frontend framework, but it has the flexibility to handle certain backend tasks, making it a popular choice for building full-stack web applications.

3.5. Why Next.js app is good for SEO?

Next.js is well regarded for its SEO capabilities due to several features that improve a website's search engine visibility which include, Server-side rendering, Fast initial page load, Dynamic meta tags, structured data support, Mobile Optimization, etc... Next.js simplifies the process of creating SEO friendly web application.

3.6. Why use Next.js over React js?

Next.js and React are not direct competitors but rather complementary technologies. React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, while Next.js is a framework built on top of React. Your choice between the two depends on the specific requirements and goals of your web application.

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